Immediate challenge of services sector is revival of growth

Ques. “Services constitute a major portion of India’s GDP with a 57 per cent share at factor cost however the immediate challenge in the services sector is revival of growth”, while analysing the given statement describe the suggested measures to overcome the challenge of revival of growth in the services sector of India. India has the second fastest growing services sector in the world. InRead More…

Foreign funded NGOs affecting India’s economic growth

Ques. Describe how foreign-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are negatively impacting economic development of India. An Intelligence Bureau report has accused “foreign-funded” NGOs such as Greenpeace, Cordaid, Amnesty and Action Aid of “serving as tools for foreign policy interests of western governments” by sponsoring agitations against nuclear and coal-fired power plants acroRead More…

India’s civil nuclear liability regime affects its nuclear sector growth

Ques. “India’s civil nuclear liability regime is tremendously unbalanced and may adversely affect the nuclear capacity addition programme of India” while critically analysing the given statement describe how nuclear liability law 2010 may be a threat to nuclear sector growth in India. The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010 or Nuclear Liability Act aims to provide a civil liabilityRead More…

Agenda of intelligence reforms in India

Ques. ‘India’s intelligence capabilities are not as low as rated’, but there is a need to bring all central agencies under one umbrella to ensure seamless integration in their operations, assessments and response’, While analysing the given statement highlight the intelligence reforms needed in India. Intelligence Agencies play an important role in protecting National Security of a countrRead More…

Urban garbage management crisis in India

Ques. Describe the prevailing urban garbage management crisis in India. What steps should be taken to overcome the crises. India is in the transition towards better waste management but currently have insufficient collection and improper disposal of wastes. Disposal of wastes is commonly done by dumping (on land or into water bodies), incineration or long term storage in a secured facility. All tRead More…

Water pollution in India

Ques. “The task of reducing the pollution load of the Ganga is daunting, but the clamour for a cleaner river has gained momentum in recent times” while analysing the given statement describe the causes of increasing pollution of India’ water bodies. What are its consequences? Critically examine what measures are needed to address the pollution problem. Water Pollution is the presence of harRead More…

Disaster prevention, mitigation and management

Ques. “Little seems to have been done by the State governments, past and present, in the area of disaster prevention, mitigation and management” Comment. India is one of the most vulnerable developing countries to suffer very often from various natural disasters, namely drought, flood, cyclone, earth quake, landslide, forest fire, hail storm, locust, volcanic eruption, etc. Which strike causiRead More…

Higher education in India needs reforms

Ques. “There is no greater challenge to the future of India than the urgent need to revamp our institutions of higher education” Comment. At present, the higher education system in India suffers from many shortcomings. The reforms are needed to address the fundamental problem of institutionalised medioRead More…

Corruption In India

Ques. “Simplifying complex rules and regulations, making the decision-making process transparent, and giving the government a limited role will minimise opportunities for the corrupt”, while analysing the given statement, describe the causes of corruption. What initiatives have been taken by the government to deal with corruption? More…

Issue of gaps in collection of national statistics

Describe the functions of ministry of statistics. Critically analyse how the serious gaps in collection of national statistic is affecting the economic planning. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation attaches considerable importance to coverage and quality aspects of statistics releaseRead More…