Today’s News Updates – 16.March.2015

GS paper I Delta farmers to meet Modi – Ques. Critically analyse the challenges and hurdles faced by Indian farmers due to construction of dams and reservoirs. Suggest measures. Scientific handling of waste soon – Ques. What do you mean by ‘scientific handling of waste’? Examine the role and importance of technology towards handling wastes and pollutants of the country. Highlight the steps iniRead More…

Today’s News Updates – 13.March.2015

GS paper I Tipu Sultan’s arms and armour to be auctioned – Ques. Critically analyse the role of Tipu Sultan in context with Indian history. GS paper II Modi for forming a strong grouping around Indian Ocean – Ques. Critically examine the geo-strategic significance of Indian ocean to India and other neighbouring countries. Also describe the maritime security challenges emerging in Indian oceRead More…

Today’s News Updates – 12.March.2015

GS paper II In the Seychelles, Modi boosts security cooperation – Ques. “In context with economic and development cooperation, Seychelles is one of the largest recipients of Indian assistance”, while analysing the given statement throw light on the India-Seychelles bilateral relationship. Inclusive growth is the key aim of Pan-Asian connectivity: Richard Verma – Ques. “Micro-finance institutioRead More…

Today’s news updates – 11.March.2015

GS paper I ‘Hank yarn obligation is deterrent to growth’ – Ques. What do you mean by ‘Hank Yarn Obligation’? Highlight the concept and objectives of ‘Hank Yarn Obligation’. Also describe Integrated Handlooms Development Scheme (IHDS) initiated by the government. GS paper II “Judge’s job is to judge cases, not appoint brother judges” – Ques. “National Judicial Appointments CommissionRead More…

Today’s News Updates – 10.March.205

GS paper I Now, bottling technology gives Neera a 45-day shelf life – Ques. “Neera production opens a new hope to coconut farmers”, In context with the given statement, Describe what is ‘Neera’? What are its uses? How it is beneficial for coconut farmers? Also analyse the recent technologies initiated by the government to boost neera production. GS paper III City to become pedestrian-friendlyRead More…

Today’s News Updates – 9.March.2015

GS paper I Sunderbans losing green cover and land mass, says ISRO study – Ques. Critically examine the causes of depleting forest cover in India. Discuss the role of National Green Tribunal in context with environmental protection. GS paper II Our heads hang in shame: Modi – Ques. Critically analyse the measures adopted b the government to make women an equal and integral part of our developmRead More…

Today’s News Updates – 8.March.2015

GS paper I Census records increase in wildlife at Point Calimere – Ques. “There has been recorded an increase in wildlife census when compared to last year in some regions of India”, Critically analyse the measures adopted by the government to save wildlife. Also describe further challenges faced by the forest department in this context. GS paper II ‘Fishermen issue: question of livelihoodsRead More…

Today’s News Updates – 7.March.2015

GS paper I Modi to unveil plaque of Jaffna cultural centre – Ques. “The undisputed melting pot of Buddhism, Bodhgaya was where Prince Siddhartha attained enlightenment beneath a bodhi tree and became Buddha 2600 years ago.” Highlight the role of Bodh gaya in context with Indian history. Modi to unveil plaque of Jaffna cultural centre – Ques. Write a short note on ‘Jaffna culture’. Now, free mRead More…

Today’s News Updates – 4.March.2015

GS paper I Deforestation hits monsoon rains, says study – Ques. “Widespread global deforestation especially in the northern high latitudes has resulted an 18 per cent reduction in India’s summer monsoon rains. On the other hand, the deforestation led to moderately increased rains over South Africa, South America and Australia in the southern hemisphere.”, Critically examine. Cattle slaughter, iRead More…

Today’s News Updates – 3.March.2015

GS paper II Mothers’ low weight linked to shorter height of Indian children – Ques. “According to National Academy of Sciences, over 42 per cent of pre-pregnant Indian women were found to be underweight compared with 16.5 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa, resulting into greater proportion of Indian children shorter and smaller than children in sub-Saharan Africa”, While critically analysing the Read More…