Current Affairs – 4 AUGUST 2025

1. LA NINA ● La Nina is a climate phenomenon characterised by a cooling of the sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial PacificOcean. ● It is one phase of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in theEarth’s climate system. ● La Nina typically develops during the late summer or early fall and can last for several months, sometimes longer. ● The termRead More…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 3 August 2024

1. Nano-MIND technology Context: In a ground-breaking experiment, researchers at the Center for Nanomedicine at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Yonsei University in South Korea have demonstrated the ability to control specific brain regions in mice using magnetic fields. This innovation, called Nano-MIND (Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamiRead More…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 2 August 2024

1.Polio virus ● In the mid-20th century, researchers widely believed the polio virus could only be grown in cultures of nerve cells. ● This misconception was propagated by their inability to infect rhesus macaques by the oral route, and only by directly injecting the virus into the nervous system. ● At the time, they didnʼt know the problem was with the polio virus strains thRead More…


1.Civil War in Myanmar. Why in News? Recently, due to the ongoing Civil War in Myanmar, 1,500 nationals of Myanmar took refuge in Mizoram’s Champhai district following an intense gunfight between the Myanmar Army, and pro-democracy militias in the country’s western Chin State abutting Mizoram. What is Background of the Current Civil War in Myanmar? 2020 Elections anRead More…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 31 July 2024

1.CRISPR Fncas9 ● Indian scientists build breakthrough gene-editor, are aiming for patent ● A CRISPR system built to use the FnCas9 enzyme was found to editgenomes more efficiently and with less unintended damage than existingtechnologies, researchers at CSIR-IGIB and the L.V. Prasad Eye Institutehave reported ● Scientists from the CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative BiologyRead More…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 30 July 2024

1. Agarwood Agarwood, also known as oud, aloeswood, eaglewood, or gaharu, is afragrant dark resinous wood used in incense, perfume, and smallcarvings .● It is formed in the heartwood of aquilaria trees when they becomeinfected with a type of mold, which in response produces a highlyaromatic resin. ● This process can take several years, and only a small percentage ofinfected trees prRead More…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 29 July 2024

1.Lithium in Mandya and Yadgiri districts (Karnataka) NEWS ATOMIC MINERAL directorate expedition and research found lithium in Mandya and Yadgiri districts, Karnataka. Preliminary surveys have identified 1,600 tonnes of in Mandya. India has several states with significant lithium reserves, including Karnataka, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, and Andhra Pradesh. It was first disRead More…


1. Industrial parks News: TWELVE INVESTMENT-READY “PLUG AND PLAY” INDUSTRIAL PARKS TO BE CREATED UNDER NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: UNION BUDGET 2024-25 What are Industrial Parks? Industrial Parks are designated areas specifically developed to accommodate clusters of industrial activities. They offer specialized infrastructure and facRead More…

Current affairs- 26 July 2024

1. Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) System Context The Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully flight-tested the Phase-II Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) system. About India is pursuing its ballistic missile defence programme in two phases – the first phase has been completed while the second is underway for validating intercept sysRead More…