1.Competition Commission of India THE HINDU GS-3 ECONOMICS In News The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has expressed concerns over the proposed merger between Reliance Industries and Walt Disney in India. About As per the Competition (Amendment) Act 2023, if the CCI suspects a merger could harm competition (causing an appreciable adverse effect on competition or AAEC)Read More…

Current affairs – 23 August 2024

1.Quantum Nonlocality News New study demonstrated that a universal standard for measuring quantum nonlocality is impossible. About Quantum nonlocality describes a strange connection between distant physical objects, one that doesn’t allow for faster-than-light communication. It describes a situation where particles that are entangled can influence each other instantaneouslRead More…

Current Affairs – 22 August 2024

1.South American lungfish Source – the hindu Recent study revealed that the South American lungfish genome grew massively during the past 100 million years. About South American lungfish:  It is a freshwater species (Lepidosiren paradoxa). It is the nearest living relative to the first land vertebrates and closely resembles its primordial ancestors daRead More…


1.New Orchid Species A newly discovered orchid species, Gastrodia indica, was found in Fambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary in Sikkim, India, by botanist Madhusudan Khanal. This orchid is notable because it does not open its flowers, a rare trait among orchids, making it the first known cleistogamous orchid in India. Discovery Details Gastrodia indica was found at an altitude of 1,950 to 2Read More…

Current Affairs – 20 August 2024

1.CONFLICT IN SUDAN Recently, atleast 80 people killed in strike by Sudan paramilitary forces. History This attack occurred despite recent U.S.-sponsored talks aimed at ending the 16-month-long war. Sudan is a country located in northeastern Africa. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, Read More…

CURRENT AFFAIRS -19 August 2024

1.RBI in Controlling Headline vs Core Inflation Headline Inflation: Measures total inflation in consumer prices,including food and energy.Core Inflation: Excludes volatile items such as food and energy,focusing on long-term trends. Role of RBI (Reserve Bank of India) Monetary Policy: Adjusts interest rates to control inflation. Inflation Target: Aims for a specific inflation rate Read More…

CURRENT AFFAIRS -18 August 2024

1.Agni Missile About Agni Prime Missile Agni-P is a two-stage canisterised solid propellant ballistic missile with dual redundant navigation and guidance system, according to DRDO. It has a range of 1,000-2,000km and was tested for the first time in June 2021. It is lighter than all the earlier Agni series of missiles. In June 2023, the first pre-induction night launch was conductedRead More…

CURRENT AFFAIRS -17 August 2024

1.Semiconductor What is a Semiconductor Chip? Semiconductor: semiconductor possess electrical conductivity properties intermediate between conductors and insulators, which can be modified by introducing dopants. Semiconductor chips, transistors, fabrication technology, and wafers are interdependent components essential for electronic device functionality. Transistors serRead More…


1.SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS India is critical in determining the success of the SDGs, globally. At the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi noted, “Sustainable development of one-sixth of humanity will be of great consequence to the world and our beautiful planet. India’s premier think tank NITI Aayog, the Government of India’s premier tRead More…


1. Bio fortified variety of crops Prime Minister released 109 high yielding, climate resilient and biofortified varieties of crops. These crops have been developed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and release of new varieties of crops is the example of a “lab to land” programme.  ICAR has been running crop-improvement programme to develop new crop varieties aRead More…