Current Affairs

1. Bio fortified variety of crops

Prime Minister released 109 high yielding, climate resilient and biofortified varieties of crops. These crops have been developed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and release of new varieties of crops is the example of a “lab to land” programme. 

  • ICAR has been running crop-improvement programme to develop new crop varieties and hybrids with wider adaptability and higher yield.
  • Crop-improvement process uses different strategies such as
    • Genomics-assisted selection
    • Phenomics (systematic measurement and analysis of qualitative and quantitative traits)
    • Conventional breeding or Biotechnology-based approaches like genetic engineering and genome editing.

Need of Crop Improvement 

  • Managing Impact of Climate Change: Climate resilient seeds can yield good crop even in adverse weather (heat waves, droughts, etc.). E.g. Bt cotton
    • Climate resilient crops will reduce crop losses due to diseases and pests attacks. 
  • Food Security: Agricultural yields are projected to drop by 16% by 2030 (World Economic Forum).
  • Nutritional Security: Government seeks to promote biofortified crops by linking them with the programmes like Mid-Day Meal(PM Poshan Scheme), etc., to make India free from malnutrition.
    • Also, these are affordable as biofortified varieties crop does not involve any additional cost on preparing the enriched food grains. E.g. vitamin-A rich maize grains.
  • Raising Farmers Income: High-yielding and adaptable crop varieties contribute to higher incomes.
About Biofortification  It is the process of improving the nutritional quality of food crops. For example, iron and zinc rich wheat grains It differs from conventional fortification as it aims to increase nutrient levels in crops during plant growth rather than through manual means during processing.About  Lab to Land programme.It promotes transfer of improved technology developed by agricultural universities and research institutions to farmers. 

2. Mt. Kilimanjaro

Expedition team under the aegis of the Ministry of Defence unfurled the Indian national flag atop Uhuru Summit of Kilimanjaro. 

About Mount Kilimanjaro

  • It is the highest peak (5,895 meters) of Africa (Located in Tanzania).
  • It is the largest free-standing mountain rise in the world, meaning it is not part of a mountain range.
  • It is a stratovolcano (a term for a very large volcano made of ash, lava and rock).
    • It is made up of 3 cones: Kibo (tallest), Mawenzi, & Shira
    • The highest point on Kibo’s crater rim is called Uhuru. 
  • It is a part of UNESCO’s World Heritage Site ‘Kilimanjaro National Park’.

3. Pradhanmantri Mudra Yojana

Report has analyzed performance and contribution of the PM Mudra Yojana under the Ministry of Finance towards Micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Key Findings of Study

  • Overall Performance: Since its launch in 2015, scheme has provided credit support to 35 crore Micro and Small entrepreneur Accounts. 
  • Financial Inclusion: Women held around 71% of the total number of accounts (FY 2022). Sanctioned amount for new entrepreneurs has also increased.
  • Encourages small businesses: Majority loan accounts (80%) are in the Shishu category (FY 2021).
  • Regional variation: Number of accounts & amount sanctioned for the Northeast region is not only the lowest but is also decreasing.

Challenges associated with Scheme:

  • Scheme Design
    • Lack of collateral increases fear of NPA among banks.
    • High refinancing rates
    • Ceiling of 15% on pay out under Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGFMU) is not feasible and restricts benefits of banks.
  • Institutional Mechanism
    • Poor credit penetration to weaker sections & remote areas
    • Lack of centralized database for collecting information about customers

Key recommendations for scheme 

  • A Portal enabling real-time upload of beneficiary data.
  • Increasing digitization e.g. Use of Chatbots for query redressal.
  • A recognition mechanism is needed for different Micro Lending Institutions (MLIs) based on their scale of operation and performance.

About PM Mudra Yojana 

  • Type: Central Sector Scheme
  • Purpose: To create an inclusive, sustainable and value based entrepreneurial culture
  • Loan categories:
    • Shishu (loans up to INR 50,000) 
    • Kishore (loans above INR 50,000 and up to INR 5 lakhs) 
    • Tarun (loans above INR 5 lakhs and up to INR 20 lakhs)
  • Credit Guarantee: To eligible micro units through CGFMU.

4. Tungabhadra or Pampa dam

About Tungabhadra or Pampa Dam                  

  • It is a multipurpose dam (Completed in 1958) built across Tungabhadra River in Hospet, Ballari district (Karnataka).
  • M. Visvesvaraya was chairman of board of engineers for Dam construction.

About Tungabhadra River

  • Derives its name from two streams viz. Tunga and Bhadra which originates in western ghats and confluences near Shimoga to form Tungabhadra. It is a tributary of Krishna River.

Concerns associated with dam safety in India

  • Aging dams: 80% of large dams in India are already over 25 years old.
  • Seismic vulnerability: E.g. earthquake in Bhuj (Gujarat) in 2001, led to liquefaction in foundation of Chang Dam.
  • Flood/Excessive rain: E.g.Chungthang Dam Sikkim’s highest dam was washed away during flash floods. (Oct 2023)
  • Other concerns:  Overtopping (gully erosion) failures, Sedimentation etc.

Dams in India (According to National Register of Large Dams, 2023)

  • There are 6138 completed and operational specified dams.
  • Out of them, there are 234 large dams (More than 100 years old).

Dam Failure 

  • It is collapse of part of a dam/its foundation, such that the dam cannot retain water.
  • Examples: Machchu (Gujarat) dam failure (1979), Tiware dam (Maharashtra) failure in 2019.