Grameen Vidyutikaran (GARV) App has been upgraded for monitoring the villages and households electrification in the country. GARV-II includes monitoring of electrification of habitations as well as households. It also provides an interactive platform for feedback and would help in expediting electrification works.
Regarding Rural Electrification Programme the Minister stated that Government of India has launched Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) with total investment of Rs.43,033 crore in the country in December, 2014 with the objectives of, inter-alia, (i) Village Electrification; (ii) Providing access to households; (iii) Feeder Separation; (iv) Strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution network and (v) Metering.
Under DDUGJY, projects of an amount of Rs.42553.17 crore have been sanctioned for rural electrification works which include village electrification, access to households, feeder separation, metering and system strengthening.