The main objective of the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP) is to enhance the global competitiveness of manufacturing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by intervening through following components:
i) Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme,
ii) Design Clinic Scheme,
iii) Technology & Quality Up-gradation support for MSMEs (TEQUP),
iv) Promotion of ICT in manufacturing Sector,
v) Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),
vi) Entrepreneurial & Management Development of SMEs through incubators,
vii) Enabling Manufacturing Sector to be Competitive through Quality Management Standards (QMS) and Quality Technology Tools QTT (This component has been subsumed under ZED certification scheme).
The achievements under the programme are visible from the improvement in the demand offtake from the MSMEs which is showing an increasing trend. This is reflective of the realization of the benefits by MSMEs under the scheme after implementation of various NMCP components.