GS paper I
Madurai celebrates ‘Tirukkalyanam’ – Ques. Write a brief note describe the background and concept of ‘Chithirai festival’.
GS paper II
Centre’s strategy on Finance Bill comes unstuck – Ques. Critically analyse the role and mandate of Lower house and Upper House of the parliament in passing various bills. Which one of them has greater authority towards finalizing the bills? Critically comment in this regard.
Govt. rejects U.S. panel’s report on religious freedom – Ques. According to the annual report for 2015 released by the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom, India has been placed amid more than 30 countries that meet a “systematic, ongoing, and egregious” standard for failing to protect religious freedoms. Critically express your opinion in this regard.
Panel urges new criteria for SC/ST applicants in technical jobs – Ques. “Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in its report on the review of representation of SCs and STs in senior government positions noted that even today the community is not considered qualified enough for scientific and technical posts.”, Critically discuss.
(Post your answers below)