Today’s News Updates – 3.April.2015

Today's News Updates

GS paper II


Role for Delhiites in budget-making process – Ques. Critically comment whether involving general public in the decision making process is a good approach with respect to the governance.

GS paper III

Cities struggle to stay afloat – Ques. “India’s biggest cities are simply unable to raise funds to sustain themselves, as a percentage of total receipts are very low or total revenues themselves are very low compared with the capital expenditure requirements” Critically highlight the major factors having great impact over financial health of cities in India. Suggest measures.

Lend to the poor, Modi tells banks – Ques. Critically comment whether appropriate lending of funds by banks could be an innovative financial inclusion instruments to ensure that the farmer does not commit suicide or on the other hand it may deteriorate farmers condition by increasing their debts.